Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Officially Recognized by Academia!

Well, here we are with another post. I’ve gotta admit that I am forcing myself to do this right now. It’s actually pretty tough to do... I mean I’m on break... I really just wanna do my typical routine... Ahh, no, I’m actually gonna do something this time.
                                                     Yes ladies, I am as cute as a polar bear

So I’ve got good news! Remember how this blog was originally supposed to be an assignment for my publication design class? Well, do you remember? Please answer me, internet void!
Well, I actually ended up getting a 100% on it. I was pretty excited. So yeah, my blog is officially smart. Unfortunately, (or fortunately) this is going to have to be a short entry. Tonight, we’re putting up the decorations on our Christmas tree! This has always been a tradition for our family, (as I’m sure it has been for a ton of other families, right?) so I better get to it. I look pretty stupid right now blogging while everyone is putting up ornaments. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

An Inspiring Song

Recently, some friends of mine have been asking about... Actually, I've been telling them about this 25 minute and 35 second song that is, like, one of the most inspiring songs I've ever heard. Seriously, it is. So I decided it would be a good idea to post it on this blog so that they can finally hear the awesomeness that is it. Why do I think it's inspiring? I think the chorus in the third part speaks for itself. It's by Sufjan Stevens (wonderful artist, btw) and it's on his album The Age of Adz. The song is called "Impossible Soul". I do not own the video, or the song. (Sorry, the video is actually around 30 minutes but it's worth it)

First Post! (aka I Selfishly Rant About Myself)

I actually moved this post to another page. You can find the exciting content at the bottom of the screen.